8 years ago

Work Begins at Greensted Junior School

Greensted Junior School

Work has begun at Greensted Junior School, Basildon, to extend the existing school and add additional teaching space, all within a 14 week build time.

The site will need to be piled, as there is a lot of drainage in the area, while we'll be using beam and block floor, block work walls, aluminium windows and a timber flat roof with Langley waterproof membrane. All of the external walls will be rendered and the pavement finished with block paving.

Internally, the project will require blocking up of some existing openings, plastering the new areas, painting, carpet flooring with vinyl to wet areas and a small kitchen area. All new heating and LED lighting will also be installed to reduce ongoing costs and make this an efficient and environmentally friendly school building.

The works are registered under the Considerate Constructors Scheme, to independently verify the quality of our site management, while we’ll also be monitoring all site waste to make sure as much is recycled as possible.

As usual, Health & Safety will be paramount while we’re working at a school with pupils on site. To help keep everyone safe, we’ll be conducting regular health and safety audits, as well as holding a Health and Safety assembly for the children, combined with a competition for the best Health & Safety poster and a £25 Waterstones book token for the winner.

As part of our School Social Value initiative, we’ll also be providing two tradesmen free of charge for one week, as well as £500 materials, to carry out any additional work that the school may require.

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8 years ago

Oh My GOSH! charity event for Great Ormond Street


Our managing director Tom Davis recently raised £30,000 for Great Ormond Street Hospital at the first Oh My Gosh! charity event, featuring a black tie dinner, auction and a hair-raising skydive!

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